Invited Presentations in workshops
8. GLIER, University of Windsor, Multiple Stressors & Environmental Modelling Course (graduate level) (online), Nov. 3, 2021.
Title: Data exploration and transformation; Regression/Correlation; Generalized Linear Mixed Effect Modelling in ecological data analysis.
7. University of Windsor & Yunnan University joint course, Windsor, ON, CA. Aug. 9, 2019.
Title: Environmental DNA as a tool for detecting species in aquatic ecosystems.
3-6. Annual workshops on OCRIF project “Water Supply and Safety in Beijing”. London, CA; Beijing, CN; Guelph, CA; London, CA. 2015-2018
Title: Biological invasion of the Limnoperna fortunei (golden mussel) and their potential impacts in the South to North Water Diversion Project.
2. The 1st Sino-Canada Workshop on Plateau Lakes Research, Kunming, China. Jul. 21, 2015
Title: Early detection of Limnoperna fortunei from environmental samples via DNA-based methods.
1. The 3rd China-Canada Three Gorges Reservoir workshop for non-point pollution and water quality innovative monitoring. Chongqing, China. Aug.13, 2013
Title: Phytoplankton composition of the Three Gorges Reservoir in algal bloom sensitive season
6. The 5th IAGLR State of Lake Erie Conference (SOLE22) (virtual), March 16-17, 2022.
Title: In situ grazing rates on lake seston by invasive dreissenid mussels: a control volume experiment (Oral).
5. The 64th IAGLR Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, virtual (online) conference hosted by Michigan Technological University. May 17-21, 2021.
Title: Multiple factors regulate filtration by invasive mussels: implications for whole-lake ecosystems (Oral).
4. Marine and Freshwater Invasive species: solutions for water security. Beijing, China. Aug. 2018
Title: Early detection of rare species based on environmental DNA (eDNA): Methods development and optimizations (Oral)
3. The 20th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species (ICAIS). Coral Springs, FL, US. Oct. 2017
Title: Early detection of a highly invasive bivalve based on environmental DNA (eDNA) (Oral)
2. The 58th IAGLR Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research. Burlington, VT, US. May 2015
Title: Spatial characteristics of nutrient and phytoplankton and their causes of the Three Gorges Reservoir (Poster)
1. The 16th international conference for diffuse pollution and eutrophication. Beijing China. Aug. 2013
Title: Impact of non-point pollution on the eutrophication of Three Gorges Reservoir: take a watershed as an example (Oral)
Articles Review for Journals
Aquatic Invasions, Biological Invasions, Communications Biology, Environmental DNA, Ecology and Evolution, Environmental Pollution, Environmental Research, Journal for Nature Conservation, Management of Biological Invasions, Marine Environmental Research, PLoS ONE, Science of The Total Environment.
Grant Review
NKFIH (Hungary)